The Podcast for Cattle Producers
These are show notes for the cattle producer who likes to read instead of listening or watching podcast episodes. Here you will find a collection of podcast episodes from the past year that are broken down into their key points and offer links to resources mentioned in the show. Here’s your chance to read up on current ranch management strategies that will improve how you operate as a cattleman and leader in the beef industry.
Podcast Show Notes for the Cattle Producer
Weaning Cattle: Nutrition, Vaccines and Technology
You need to know what your calves are weighing to avoid sickness and save on money when it comes to developing your ration and treating calves.
How DNA Testing is Improving the Bottom Line for Commercial Cattlemen
From my standpoint, my customers are the feedlots. That's who I'm selling to. And I think they're going to start to rely on this information pretty heavily. At some point, they're going to look at this and be able to predict what these calves are doing. And so if you can show them, you know, the genetic merit of your herd and the calves that you're trying to sell them, I think they're gonna be worth a whole lot more to those feeders than a calf that either isn't, you know, doesn't have those traits or they don't know.
Everything You Need to Know Before Building a Crossfence or Offset
Make sure you have an aerial photo of your pastures and a pencil so that you can map out where to put your fence and waterers.
Dive Into the Dynamics of a Ranching Mother and Daughter Duo
At some point you have to start letting the next generation make decisions.
3 Ways to Advocate In Person
Advocating in person is just as effective and important as advocating online.
Increase the ROI of Your Watering System
And we quickly learned that the implementation of a little more advanced watering systems had a really strong ROI for us that we could really make sense in terms of what our labor costs was.
Using Animal Protein to Combat Food Insecurity
We were at a food pantry in Iowa a few weeks ago. And they actually made a comment to us as we were dropping off ground beef, that they hadn't had ground beef in their freezer for almost seven years. And so we're thrilled to be able to supply them that consistent access now, but it is a problem. It's a problem across the country and in these small rural food pantries.
Effectively Fencing Leased Pasture
The area that we're in really has a lot of people and is being developed. So my opportunity has really come from getting places that are broken up or places that weren't grazed. And with lease ground, it's hard to spend a lot of money. So that's where the temporary wire comes in not only for intensive grazing, but also just to keep cattle in when there's no fences.
Creating Daily Joy when Ranching
You have to accept that it is up to you to make the change if you want to quit feeling and acting angry all the time.
Tech Talk: Proper Power Fencing Installation
Now, think to the future, because you can't have too big of an energizer. So if you think down the road, you're going to be tying into it and adding more ground or more area and building more fence and wanting to use that same Energizer, think about that.
Eliminate the Cussing Match when Working Cattle with Family
And so that's one thing that I will talk about till I'm blue in the face about the Enneagram is how it helps you communicate with other people through self awareness.
Seedstock Solutions for Cattle Producers
What we have found over the last 25 years of doing this work is that farmers are becoming more and more tuned into the metrics of what their animals are performing with.
Start Doing it All in One Day
"...and start making the most of your tractor time and be content with doing it all and be excited to do it all, because you can make it happen."
Tech Talk: Digital Support & Troubleshooting
Right now, we have just one of those basic contact us forms. But we're going towards a messaging system directly on our website. We have a growing group of customer service, technical service repair technicians, they're always happy to help.
Unlocking the Future of Conception, Calving and Cow Management
I think embryo transfer is the future of the beef industry.
How to Adapt Your Grazing System to Your Environment
We are seeing a lot more guys that are willing to pull water lines above ground and put out stock tanks with floats and go that route to truly chase that grass.
Choosing the U.S. Beef Industry in an Agricultural World
So it's pretty amazing how much research is conducted here in the US just to improve the industry.
Tech Talk: The Key to Proper Grounding
One of the mistakes ranchers make is they try to use the steel post in their fence for a ground rod. It's only driven in about 18 inches.
Creating Abundance in Arid Climates
It is time to change the way we think, and it is time to change the way we ranch.
How NOT to Manage a Ranch
We need to start holding the people running these businesses more accountable.