Weaning Cattle: Nutrition, Vaccines and Technology

Hello, World!

There is a lot that goes into weaning cattle and it doesn’t all just happen in one day. Buddy Rowlett and Adam McCall join Casual Cattle Conversations to discuss prep work and the day of work that needs to happen to create a successful weaning period. This includes conversations around animal health, nutrition and technology.

How investing in technology saves you money

Investing in technology that offers accurate weights on animals and tracks these weights and treatment records saves you money when it comes to feeding and treating animals. Buddy and Adam stress that you cannot properly formulate a ration without knowing the current weights of the calves going on feed. You also risk over or undertreating animals if you do not know their current weights.

Animal Health & Weaning

Proper nutrition is a key component to overall animal health. Work with your local veterinarian and herd nutritionist to develop the best animal health protocol for your cows and calves throughout the year. Have all your vaccines on hand and ready to go for pre-conditioning and weaning, so that the day can go as seamlessly as possible. 

Animal Nutrition & Weaning

Prepare for weaning at least one month in advance. Make sure the BCS on your cows and calves is good. Offer calves creep feed and or tubs to lick on so that they get used to eating and have good bugs in their rumen before they are weaned and put under more stress. This helps them learn how to eat and drink before they get weaned off of milk. 





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