Finding Your Faith as a Rancher

Kyley DeVoe is a Red Angus producer near Justin, Texas. Kyley and his family are passionate about the cattle they raise, but the true reason Kyley was asked to be a guest on this show is because of his faith. Kyley is a man of God who enjoys connecting with others about the Lord and helping them grow in their faith journey. In this episode, Kyley shares what it means to have faith, why ranchers need it and how we can grow in our own faith and relationship with God.

So, why do ranchers need to have faith and something to believe in? This year Kyley’s operation has been faced with a drought and he found himself asking the dreaded questions, what do I need to sell next and how many need to go? Or, can I find the feed resources to make it work? Kyley says, “The flesh side wants to know why in the world we can’t get rain. But, the side of me that has faith knows he will bring it at the right time.” The week this interview was recorded, they were blessed with beautiful rain that saved pastures and hay crops in the area.

He also brings to light how we see God working every day on our operations. “You've got to have faith to be a farmer rancher. I mean to watch a first calf heifer have a calf, get up, and they both somehow understand what needs to be done. If you think somebody else isn’t involved in that it's just beyond me.”, Kyley says. The biggest thing for Kyley is that if he wakes up tomorrow and the ranch is gone he’s okay with it, if that is God’s plan for him. Only God knows the plans he has for us and our identities are in him and not in our work.

When asked about what it means to live out your faith, Kyley shares several different examples. Kyley talks about discovering and using our spiritual gifts and putting our trust in God that he will provide and get us where we need to be. Kyley’s favorite Bible verse is Mathew 5":16 “Let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father in heaven.” He refers to it as his “jam” and owns the fact that he himself is not perfect but he does his best to live out the word of the Lord.

For anyone wanting to get started on their faith journey are dive deeper into it, Kyley recommends opening your Bible and starting to read. The book of John is a good place to start. He advises people to find a good church and Bible study that will support them in this as well. As far as putting your trust in God, remember that trust comes from building relationships and you have a relationship you are building with the Lord.

At the end of the day, Kyley has no doubt that there is a God and heaven, but for those who are doubting just remember this. Even if it wasn’t all real, the worst thing that could happen is you’d live your life taking the actions of a good person.


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