10 Things Cattle Producers Need to Remember

This list includes some of the advice I've picked up from episode guests, mentors and just watching others.


1. It's a business, so treat it like one. I understand cattle production involves utilizing multiple biological systems which makes this business a challenge. However, how often do we get so caught up in the lifestyle and legacy that we forget what is not only best for ourselves but also for future generations?

2. The dreams of the founding generation of your operation do not have to be yours. The pioneers were innovators. If you want to preserve the legacy, be innovative like them and do what is best for you, your family and the business.

3. You are a human... just like everyone else. Humans need rest. Humans need to take care of themselves mentally. Humans are not invincible.

4. No one can read your mind. Communication is critical to preserving and building up your relationships...especially with those who work cattle with you

5. Your operation is not supposed to be like your neighbors. You have your own unique set of values and circumstances in life. Build your business to be in line with your goals and don't fall into comparison syndrome.

6. You are not alone. Teamwork makes the dream work. Find a good team of people smarter than you to guide your management decisions. Find another team to help you carry out those decisions.

7. Never fall in love with a cow. She has to earn her keep too.

8. Good genetics are an investment and being able to provide information on the genetic basis of your herd is the future of our industry...and already important today.

9. Life is about the little things at the end of the day.

10. Your identity is not found in your work. It is in your soul and as a child of God.

with grit, sass & gratitude,

- Shaye Ocea


Combining Dreaming with Action and Learning


Answering a Calling to Continue a Legacy