The Podcast for Cattle Producers
These are show notes for the cattle producer who likes to read instead of listening or watching podcast episodes. Here you will find a collection of podcast episodes from the past year that are broken down into their key points and offer links to resources mentioned in the show. Here’s your chance to read up on current ranch management strategies that will improve how you operate as a cattleman and leader in the beef industry.
Podcast Show Notes for the Cattle Producer
Everything You Need to Know Before Building a Crossfence or Offset
Make sure you have an aerial photo of your pastures and a pencil so that you can map out where to put your fence and waterers.
Effectively Fencing Leased Pasture
The area that we're in really has a lot of people and is being developed. So my opportunity has really come from getting places that are broken up or places that weren't grazed. And with lease ground, it's hard to spend a lot of money. So that's where the temporary wire comes in not only for intensive grazing, but also just to keep cattle in when there's no fences.
Tech Talk: The Key to Proper Grounding
One of the mistakes ranchers make is they try to use the steel post in their fence for a ground rod. It's only driven in about 18 inches.